Land Rover Chantilly provides a selection of Featured Inventory, representing new and popular items at competitive prices. Please take a moment to investigate these current highlighted models, hand-picked from our ever-changing inventories!
The photos above may be stock photography. Actual colors, options and accessories may differ on the specific vehicle you have selected.

† Based on EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle.

*Prices do not include tax, tags, and a $989 processing fee. Subject to prior sale. Specifications, Features, Safety, and Warranty data are based on what is available as standard specs/features per trim level, for the designated Model-Year, and may not apply to vehicles with added packages or options. Not responsible for typographical errors. Final price must be verified by management. Warranty not valid on vehicles over 100k miles. Ask dealer for details.

Vehicle shown is for illustrative purposes. Actual vehicle image and details may differ. Vehicle in transit.